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Bolu Eso

Bolu Eso is a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, the American Veterinary Medical Association and the British Veterinary Association.

He studied Veterinary Medicine at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Budapest. This worked well with his absolute passion for travelling as, for his 6 years of learning overseas, he not only immersed himself in the Hungarian culture and language but took advantage of being in Europe and travelled to his heart’s content.

After graduating with Honours and a Doctorate in "Veterinary Medicine and Intercalated Master of Science", Bolu joined a Veterinary Practice in rural Kent. Bolu specialises in small animal medicine and has completed externships in the United States, India and the UK and is working towards specialising in surgery.

When he is not surrounded by furry creatures, he can be found in the gym, cooking up a storm in the kitchen or dancing like no one's watching (although everyone is because he is annoyingly good).

Bolu has a Bichon Frise called Chelsea who is the love of his life.