An Nowodhow - the News in Cornish
An Nowodhow is written and read by Duncan McIntosh, the script editor is Steve Harris.
Niver a dus yn Kernow re beu enorys gans Charles III yn Rol Enorys Bledhen Nowydh dew vil pymp warn ugens.
Dave Haines, dyghtyer oberyansow rag Gorsav Skath-Sawya Logh, re beu res Medol Emperoureth Bretennek rag y servis dhe salowder morek.
Ev a junyas an RNLI yn mil naw kans dewdhek ha peswar ugens, owth oberi war an skathow yn Logh bys dhe bymp bloodh ha dew ugens y oos, hag avel dyghtyer oberyansow dres an ugens bledhen eus passys.
Y leveris y junyas ev an RNLI wosa bos y vroder kellys yn mor hag ev owth oberi war gok nans yw dew ugens bledhen.
Barbara Sharples, neb yw trigys yn Porth Talland re beu appoyntys MBE rag hy ober rag Ambulans Ayr Kernow.
Ms Sharples a dheuth ha bos omvyskys gans an alusen wosa kelli hy mab wynn pymp bloodh y oos. Pan dheuth ev ha bos pur glav, ny allas an tro askell y鈥檔 termyn na perthi poos an daffar res dh鈥檡 witha yn fyw dres an neyj dhe Vrystow.
Leslie Lipert, tredhek ha peswar ugens y oos, re beu appoyntys MBE rag y servisyow dhe gemeneth Yedhowek Kernow, ow kwellhe y gevrennow gans an gemeneth ledanna yn Kernow, ha gweres gwitha ha daskor tylleryow yn peryl.
A number of people in Cornwall have been honoured by Charles III in the 2025 New Year Honours list.
Dave Haines, who is operations manager for Looe Lifeboat, has been awarded a British Empire Medal for his services to marine safety.
He joined the RNLI in 1992, working on the boats in Looe until he was 45 and as operations manager for the last 20 years.
He said he joined the RNLI after his brother was lost at sea while working on a trawler 40 years ago.
Barbara Sharples, who lives in Talland Bay, Looe, has been appointed an MBE for her work with Cornwall Air Ambulance to charity in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly.
Ms Sharples became involved with the charity after losing her four-year old grandson. When he became very ill, the helicopter at the time was not able to take the weight of the equipment needed to keep him alive for the flight to Bristol.
Leslie Lipert, 93, has also been appointed an MBE for his services to Cornwall's Jewish community improving links between the Jewish community and the wider community in Cornwall, as well as helping to protect and restore at-risk sites.
Y profir gweres dhe dus yn Kernow neb a vynn gul ambosow dhe dhos ha bos moy yaghus y鈥檔 vledhen nowydh.
Konsel Kernow a leveris bos esedhogow kavadow der y dowlen Kernow Yaghus, hag a brof kevarwodh, toulys hag avisyans.
Y lever bos an dowlen ow kostenna pymp arenebedhow alhwedhek, ow komprehendya, dyghtyans poos, dybri yaghus, aktivita fisek, hedhi megi, hag omdhon yaghus.
Doktor Andy Virr neb a syns portfolio an Konsel rag tevesigyon ha yeghes poblek, a leveris an towlennow dhe weres gans yeghes fisek, mes ynwedh gwellhe yeghes brysel, der an chons dhe socyalhe ha metya tus nowydh.
People in Cornwall planning to make resolutions to get healthier in the new year are being offered help.
Cornwall Council said there were sessions being available through its Healthy Cornwall programme which offered information, tools, and advice.
It said the programme was targeting five key areas which included: weight management, healthy eating, physical activity, stopping smoking and healthy pregnancy.
Doctor Andy Virr, who holds the Council portfolio for adults and public health, said that the programmes can help with physical health, but can also improve mental health as well, through the chance to socialise and meet new people.
Dew vilvedhek dhyworth Kernow re dhelivras medhegneth ha daffar dhe vilvedhegva yn Indonesi wosa y vos kisys yn sevur dre dhorslynk.
Doktour Nigel Hicks ha Sara Fell Hicks, fondyoryon Gweres Milvedhegel Orangutan, a viajyas dhe Gresen Ragdres Gwithans Orangutan Sumatrek, mes a Medan yn Sumatra.
An vedhegva a veu distruys ha kellys veu y proviansow medhegel ha lies a鈥檡 arthow eneval medhegel dre dhorslyk. Dew a鈥檡 orangutans re verwis a-dhia nena.
An alusen re lonchyas appel, pymp mil peuns warn ugens y amkan, rag may tiogello daffar ha medhegneth dhe brovia an gwella gwithans dhe鈥檔 orangutans y鈥檔 gresen.
Two vets from Cornwall have delivered medicines and equipment to an orangutan veterinary clinic in Indonesia after it was severely damaged in a landslide.
Dr Nigel Hicks and Sara Fell Hicks, founders of the Orangutan Veterinary Aid charity, travelled to the Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme Centre outside Medan, Sumatra.
The clinic was destroyed and its medical supplies and many of its animal enclosures were lost through a landslide. Two of its orangutans have since died.
The charity has launched an appeal, with a 拢25,000 target, in order to secure equipment and medicine to provide the best care for the orangutans in the centre.
Pic: Polzeath by woolymanda.
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