An Nowodhow - the News in Cornish
An Nowodhow is written and read by Duncan McIntosh and edited by Steve Harris.
RECORDING 1: Hembrenkyas Konsel Kernow a leveris na dal bos Kernow kelmys orth Dewnans yn arrayys digresennans vyth a dheu. Yth esa konseler Linda Taylor ow kampolla a-dro dhe baper gwynn Digresennans Sowsnek an governans, ha re beu deskrifys 鈥渄ydh fell rag Kernow'. Pub bagas politek y鈥檔 konsel, hag eseli oll a鈥檔 senedh rag Kernow a vynn an governans dhe dhyghtya Kernow avel awtorita diblans, awos y studh minoryta kenedhlek ha鈥檡 desedhans unnik erbysiek ha socyal. An governans a鈥檔 gwrug kler y fia gwell dhodho mar pe Kernow yn awtorita digresennys gans Dewnans, po avel rann a ranndir Soth West brassa.Taylor a leveris yth ombrevis Kernow y hallsa handla digresennans mes mar naggha mer, y fia 鈥済esys a-dhelergh鈥.
TRANSLATION: The Cornwall Council leaderl says that Cornwall must not be tied in with Devon in any future devolution arrangement. Councillor Linda Taylor was commenting on the government's English Devolution white paper, which some have labelled "a grim day for Cornwall". All political groups on the council and all Cornwall鈥檚 MPs want the government to treat Cornwall as a standalone authority because of its national minority status and unique economic and social situation. The government has previously made it clear it would prefer to see Cornwall in a devolved authority with Devon or as part of a greater South West region. Taylor said Cornwall had proved it could deal with devolution but if it refused a mayor it would be "left behind".
RECORDING 2:Yma dhe Bara rygbi istori hir ha gothus, ow komprehendya moy es pymp fytt warn ugens erbynn parys keswlasek a-dhia gwari erbynn Mordir Nowydh yn mil naw kans ha pymp.Dhe seythves a vis Kevardhu, mil naw kans seyth ha peswar ugens, Kernow a omgemeryas Korea Soth, yn fytt hag a nasya an dew bara dres termyn hir.Mis Kevardhu 1987 o mis meur y vri rag Korea Soth.Deg dydh wosa an fytt, yn Rysrudh, y synsas an pow y gynsa etholans lewyel democratek yn hwetek bledhen, hag a dhalathas an argerdh dos ha bos demokratieth warlergh an Statys Unys.Y鈥檔 eur na, nyns eus marnas niver strothys a Goreanyon Soth gesys dhe viajya dres an mor. Cho Sung- chul, neb o keyner Korea Soth rag an fytt a leveris, y vos heb mar yntanys dhe vos dhe鈥檔 tre rygbi. Kyn fyllsons an gwari 39 dhe 13, Mester Cho a leveris y vos gweresus yn feur rag an para. Mester Champion a leveris bos 1980s oos owrek rag Korea Soth, ytho yth esa dhe鈥檔 para Kernewek gwaytyansow isel.Ev a leveris bos an para Kernewek ow tos ha bos 鈥減ara gwella yn feur鈥 hag yth o dalleth spys owrek rag Rygbi Kernow, ytho y teu an fytt yn termyn ewn.
TRANSLATION Cornwall's rugby team has a long and proud history, including more than 25 matches against international sides since first taking on New Zealand in 1905. On 6 December 1987, Cornwall took on South Korea in a match that had a lasting impact on both teams. December 1987 was a momentous month for South Korea. Ten days after the match, in Redruth, the country held its first democratic presidential election in 16 years, which started the process of becoming a US-style democracy. Only a very limited number of South Koreans were permitted to travel overseas.Cho Sung-chul, South Korea's full back for the match, said he was thrilled about going to the home of rugby.Despite losing the game 39-13, Mr Cho said it was immensely beneficial for the team.Cornwall鈥檚 Captain for the match, said South Korean rugby was in its "heyday" - the 1980s is considered a golden era for the side.
RECORDING 3: Bagas a vodhesigyon, aswonnys avel Wildflower Warriors, re beu kuntell has dre leuv, dhe dhri 鈥榣iw ha bewnans鈥 dhe鈥檔 fordh nowydh a golm an A30 dhe Sen Austel, hag yw yn y dhiwettha gradhow a dhrehevyans. Kresen Genedhlek Bleujyow Gwyls Ragdres Eden, ha bodhesigyon re omgemeras an ober a guntel, hasa, tevi ha trevasa has lowr a vleujyow gwyls, dhe plansa a-hys an fordh, pymp milldir y hirder Stephanie Knights, dyghtyer ragdres NWC a leveris y fynnons surhe bos an fordh nowydh mar naturek ha bywdhivers dell yw possybyl rag fordh, gans lanwes a vleujyow gwyls hag yw tipek a鈥檔 tiredh Kernewek.An amkan termyn hir a鈥檔 ragdres bleujyow gwyls yw dhe dhelivra bywdheversita gwiryadow dres degvledhynnyow yn keskowethyans gans kemeneth leel. Henn yw oll an seythen ma, hag yn tevri an vledhen ma 鈥 yndella, dhyworth oll a鈥檔 para An Nowodhow, Nadelik Lowen dhywgh hwi oll. TRANSLATION A group of volunteers, known as the Wildflower Warriors, have been collecting seed by hand to "bring colour and life" to the new link road from the A30 to St Austell, which is in its last stages of construction. The Eden Project's National Wildflower Centre and volunteers have taken on the task of gathering, sowing, growing and harvesting enough wildflower seed to plant along the four-mile route.Stephanie Knights, NWC project manager, said: "We want to ensure the new road is as natural and biodiverse as possible, with an abundance of wildflowers that are typical of the Cornish countryside. photo credit: Graham's vista.
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