An Nowodhow - the News in Cornish
An Nowodhow is written and read by Duncan McIntosh, the script editor is Wella Morris.
Teyluyow yn Kernow a lever bos edhom a amendyans yniadow a鈥檔 kevreyth edhommow adhyskansek arbennek drefen bos 鈥減ub kamm kas鈥.
Konsel Kernow a leveris bos demond rag gonis SEND ow sordya yn uskis, ryb tenewen bojetys yn-dann wask.
Skrifennyas Adhyskans, Bridget Phillipson hy hanow, a leveris hi dhe vos 鈥渄etermys dh鈥檡 dreylya a-dro鈥, mes bos res dhodho nebes termyn.
Yma dhe vab Lisa Vosper, Charlie y hanow hag unnek bloodh y oos, diagnosans awtystogieth dieryel. Ekskleudys veuva a鈥檡 skol kynsa a-dhia vis Genver.
Hi a leveris bos dhe Charlie saw nebes euryow a skoodhyans a-dhia an hav, hag usi skon ow moghhe dhe bymp dydh pub seythen, mes 鈥渘yns eus hwath arwodh鈥 a le skol.
Adrian Brown dhyworth ogas dhe Lannstefan a leveris bos 鈥減ub kamm kas鈥 wosa bledhynnyow mayth assayas kavos skoodhyans rag y vyrgh Megan, hwetek bloodh hy oos, neb a鈥檚 teves ynwedh diagnosans awtystogieth.
Ev a leveris 鈥渂os kemmys a vaynoriethow arwodha, orth dha arwodha dhe gen maynorieth arwodha, ha ny wonn den vydh an pyth usi ow hwarva.鈥
Konsel Kernow a leveris bos demond a brovians SEND ow kreshe hag yn kenedhlek hag yn teythyek, awos achesonys varyys, y鈥檊a mysk kaletter arveth ha gwitha arbenigoryon.
Esel Senedh Livrel Werinel rag Kernow Kledh, Ben Maguire y hanow, re synsas pennkuntelles rag may kuntello prevyansow, hag y hwra va aga derivas dhe venystroryon yn Sen Stefan.
Families in Cornwall say urgent reform of the special educational needs and disabilities system is needed as "every step is a battle"
Cornwall Council said demand for Send provision was rising fast alongside pressured budgets.
Education Secretary Bridget Phillipson said she was "determined to turn it around" but it will take time.
Lisa Vosper's son Charlie, 11, has a diagnosis of non-verbal autism. He has been excluded from his primary school since January.
She said Charlie has had only a few hours of support since the summer which is soon increasing to five days a week, but there was "still no sign" of a school place.
Adrian Brown from near Lauceston said "every step is a battle" after years of trying to get support for daughter Megan, 16, who also has a diagnosis of autism.
He said that "there are so many signposting agencies that signpost you to another signposting agency and nobody seems to know what's going on.鈥
Cornwall Council said demand for Send provision was increasing both nationally and locally for a variety of reasons, including difficulty recruiting and retaining specialists.
North Cornwall Liberal Democrat MP Ben Maguire has held a summit to gather experiences and he will be reporting back to ministers at Westminster.
Konsel Kernow a leveris y fynn gwitha prisyow rag toknys kyttrin unn fordh mar isel avel possybyl, wosa an governans dhe dheklarya y hwra moghhe an kapp pris gwlasek a dhew beuns dhe dri feuns.
Leveryas Konsel Kernow a leveris i dhe ri arghans gweres dhe brisyow viaj a-dhia vis Ebrel 2022, bys may sawyas milvilyow a beunsow rag trethysi.
An konsel a geworras y hwra pesya kesoberi gans Asran Karyans, may hwith prisyow a doknys kyttrin unn fordh mar isel avel possybyl.
An kapp a-lemmyn an veu komendys gans governans mentenoryon kyns hag yw gwaytys dhe dhiwedha kyns penn mis Kevardhu.
Cornwall Council says it wants to keep prices for single bus tickets as low as possible after the government announced that a nationwide price cap would rise from two pounds to three.
A Cornwall Council spokesperson said: "We鈥檝e been subsidising fares since April 2022, allowing passengers to save millions of pounds.
The council added it will continue to work with the Department for Transport to continue to keep all single bus tickets at as low a price as possible."
The existing cap was introduced under the previous Conservative government and is due to expire at the end of December.
Tus yn Kernow re beu yniys gans bagas bewnans gwyls dhe jeckya rag sortes kyns enowi tansysyow.
Kowethas Gwithans Sort Bretennek re dhellos rol-jeckya dri foynt, may hweresso tus lehe argol dhe sortes.
Yma komprehendys y鈥檔 rol-jeckya: hedhi hag omwovyn mars eus edhom dhis a dansys, movya an tansys y鈥檔 jydh, hag y jeckya kyns ty dh鈥檡 enowi.
Fay Vass, pennweythresek a鈥檔 kowethas, a leveris sortes, neb usi ow hwilas 鈥渘eyth klys a welynni, delyow ha barrennow鈥, dhe gavos 鈥渙stel a bymp steren rag gwav - heb godhvos y hwren ni y enowi.鈥
People in Cornwall have been urged by a wildlife group to check for hedgehogs before lighting bonfires.
The British Hedgehog Preservation Society has published a three-point checklist to help people minimise the risk to hedgehogs.
The checklist includes stopping to ask if you need a bonfire, moving the bonfire on the day and checking it before you light it.
Fay Vass, chief executive of the society, said hedgehogs looking for a "really cosy nest of sticks, leaves and twigs" often thought they had "hit the jackpot and found a five star hotel for winter - not realising that we are going to set light to it".
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