Grace adores online shopping and can’t stop herself from buying new clothes. Can she resist the urge to shop mindlessly, and put her new sewing skills into practice?
Tá misean ag Caoimhe Nà Chathail agus Proinsias Ó Coinn muid a chur ag smaoineamh faoinár nósanna siopadóireachta ar bhealach comhfhiosach agus nuálach. Cuireann siad dúshlán roimh cheathrar atá gafa le faisean, ag tacú leo a gcuid éadaà a athúsáid agus a nósanna a athrú. Téann Caoimhe ar cuairt chuig Grace, nach dtig léi stop a chur leis an siopadóireacht. Lena meon a athrú, tógtar a cuid éadaà ar shiúl le hanailÃs a dhéanamh orthu agus tá Grace fágtha le 15 ball éadaigh go ceann coicÃse. Agus le barr a chur ar an olcas tá cosc iomlán ar a bheith ag ceannach! Ach tá crann taca ann di, Bronagh Crothers, an bhean fuála agus an sÃceolaà faisin, an Dr Dion Terrelonge. Tá scileanna úra le foghlaim ag Grace ó Bhronagh lena cuid éadaà a chur in oiriúint di féin, agus cuidÃonn Dion léi staonadh ón siopadóireacht ar lÃne gan smaoineamh. Cad é a dhéanfaidh sà lena cuid éadaà anois agus fios na fÃrinne aici?
Caoimhe Nà Chathail and Proinsias Ó Coinn are on a mission to get us thinking differently about our wardrobes, challenging four fashionistas to alter their shopping habits, supporting them in reducing, reusing and recycling their clothes. Caoimhe visits the home of childcare worker Grace, who cannot stop herself from constantly buying new clothes. To help combat these habits, Caoimhe and her helpers confiscate her clothes for further analysis, leaving Grace with just 15 items of clothing for a fortnight. And to make things more challenging, she is also on a shopping ban. There is a team of experts on hand to help, which includes seamstress Bronagh Crothers and fashion psychologist Dr Dion Terrelonge. Bronagh has some key skills to teach Grace when it comes to altering her clothes, and Dion tries to help her resist the urge to shop mindlessly online.
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