An Dráma
Drama based on the life, betrayal and execution of notorious south Armagh outlaw Séamus MacMurphy.
Dráma tragóideach a insÃonn scéal eipiciúil an cheithearnaigh coille chlúitigh as deisceart Ard Mhacha, Séamus Mór Mac Murchaidh. Spreag Mac Murchaidh idir sceimhle agus meas i measc na ndaoine sin ar chas sé orthu. Gabhadh an rapaire iomráiteach sa deireadh nuair a rug a dheargnamhaid air, Johnson na bhFeá; ach ba ghnÃomh salach fill óna rúnsearc agus óna chairde cléibhe ba chionsiocair leis.
Drama telling the epic and tragic tale of notorious south Armagh outlaw Séamus MacMurphy, who inspired both terror and admiration in equal measure in those he met. The celebrated rapparee was finally captured by his arch enemy, Johnston of the Fews, but only after a crushing act of betrayal by his lover and some of his closest confidants.
'Séamus Mac Murchaidh'
Duration: 00:56
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