麻豆社 Introducing The West Episodes Episode guide
Harriet Robinson brings an Independent Venue Week special
Harriet Robinson sits in for James with an Independent Venue Week special.
James Threlfall puts Frazer Lepford in the spotlight
Frazer Lepford is in the spotlight and Milly On Air is in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Harrisen Larner-Main in the spotlight
Harrisen Larner-Main is in the spotlight and Ayah Marar is in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Hunny Buzz in the spotlight
Hunny Buzz are in the spotlight and we delve into the archives for a Charli Brix mix.
James Threlfall puts Onika Venus in the spotlight
Onika Venus is in the spotlight and we delve into the archives for an Oppidan mix.
James Threlfall and Harriet Robinson bring their best tracks of 2023
James Threlfall and Harriet Robinson bring their best tracks of 2023.
Harriet Robinson puts K*Ners in the Spotlight
K*Ners is in the Spotlight with Mij Mack in the mix. Presented by Harriet Robinson.
James Threlfall puts Try Me in the spotlight
Try Me are in the spotlight and ZeroZero are in the mix.
James Threlfall puts IMMERSE in the spotlight
IMMERSE are in the spotlight and Emuuto is in the mix.
James Threlfall puts BLKFXS in the spotlight
BLKFXS are in the spotlight and James throws back to Glastonbury with Dutchie in the mix.
James Threlfall puts The Music Works in the spotlight
The Music Works are in the spotlight with LOOR in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Omega Nebula in the spotlight
Omega Nebula are in the spotlight with a live set and Kujan is in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Ferris & Sylvester in the spotlight
Ferris & Sylvester are in the spotlight and Jurango's in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Elijah A.M. in the spotlight
Elijah A.M. is in the spotlight and The Yard Woman is in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Oli Morris in the spotlight
Oli Morris is in the spotlight, as well as Borai and dontforgettogohome in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Fabien Darcy in the spotlight.
Fabien Darcy is in the spotlight and A For Alpha is in the mix.
James Threlfall puts My First Time in the spotlight
My First Time are in the spotlight and Kayla Painter is in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Jo McNab in the spotlight
Jo McNab is in the spotlight with BABBAchunks in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Wings of Desire in the spotlight.
Wings of Desire are in the spotlight with Mollie Rush in the mix.
James Threlfall puts TIANNA in the spotlight
TIANNA is in the spotlight and Mista Trick is in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Ayah Marar in the spotlight
Ayah Marar is in the spotlight and BailHole is in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Grandmas House in the spotlight
Grandmas House are in spotlight with a performance at Reading and Simmo is in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Paper Dragon in the spotlight
Paper Dragon are in the spotlight with Gallegos in the mix.
James Threlfall puts The Pleasure Dome in the spotlight
The Pleasure Dome are in the spotlight with Art1fact and Reebz in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Slowe in the spotlight
Slowe is in the spotlight with Icarus in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Ishmael Ensemble in the spotlight
Ishmael Ensemble are in the spotlight with Bacavi in the mix.
Supporting unsigned, undiscovered and under the radar artists in the West of England.
James Threlfall puts Lenn in the spotlight
Lenn is in the spotlight, with SSSLIP in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Holysseus Fly in the spotlight
Holysseus Fly is in the spotlight and Milly on Air is in the mix.
James Threlfall puts Lleo in the spotlight
Lleo's in the spotlight, with Bex in the mix.