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Conall Mac Corraidh - Bithéagsúlacht

Tá cónaí ar Chonall i dTuaisceart Bhéal Feirste le trí bliana anois. Is breá le Conall am a chaitheamh amuigh ag siúl agus ag breathnú ar an saol éagsúil atá thart air. Ach cén fath nach bhfuil aon amfaibiaigh feicthe ag Conall le blianta beaga anuas?

Conall has lived in North Belfast for three years. In this time, he has developed a love of the nature surrounding him. But is the Belfast green belt as diverse as it looks? Why hasn’t Conall ever seen any amphibians in the three years he’s been exploring the foot of the Belfast Hills?

Release date:


4 minutes

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