Did Palestinian disunity prompt Trump's Jerusalem move?
Donald Trump's announcement that he's formally recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and setting in motion a plan to move the US embassy there has been condemned by the Palestinian leadership. Mahmoud Abbas, President of the Palestinian Authority, said the US had lost its right to act as a mediator between Israel and the Palestinians, and Saeb Erekat, his chief peace negotiator, said 'the two-state solution is over'. Mouin Rabbani, Senior fellow at the Institute for Palestine Studies in Amman, says the weakness of Palestinian leadership played a part in prompting the Trump announcement. Owen Bennett Jones has been discussing Palestinian disunity with Mr Rabbani and Zena Agha, US policy fellow, with Al Shabaka, the Palestinian Policy Network.
(Photo of the Dome of the Rock by Ahmad Gharabli/AFP/Getty Images)
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