Learning English from the News Episodes Available now

Stopping the cyber-criminals
Tom and Catherine teach you language the media is using to discuss this story.

Trump apologises to Kavanaugh for 'lies'
Neil and Tom teach you language the media is using to discuss this story.

Hurricane Florence forces evacuation
Neil and Dan teach you the language the media is using to discuss this story.

Nike and the Colin Kaepernick controversy
Dan and Catherine teach you the language the media is using to discuss this story.

World's oldest message in a bottle
Neil and Catherine teach you the language the media is using to discuss this story.

North and South Korean family reunions
Dan and Catherine discuss the key language from this story.

Turkish lira falls: who's to blame?
Dan and Catherine discuss the key language from this story.

Neymar admits exaggerating
Neil and Catherine discuss the key language from this story.

Human embryo DNA editing OK, panel says
Dan and Catherine discuss the key language from this story.

Apple to hinder Facebook web tracking
Dan and Catherine bring you the language you need to talk about this story.