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Ben and Kenneth - Getting Things into Focus

Ben and dad Kenneth have very different views on the EU, but ended up voting the same way because of a single issue affecting a family member with Downs Syndrome.

Ben is 21. He has a part-time job and lives at home with his parents and brother just outside Edinburgh. He was disappointed by university. He has a degree, but he doesn't feel that it's given him any advantages. He's just at the point of working out what to do next and believes that remaining in the EU will expand his options. He's also actively engaged in lots of voluntary outreach work. He says ""I regularly work with young people from areas of the city with typically high amounts of social and economic inequality as part of the Children鈥檚 Holiday Venture. Having a younger brother with Down Syndrome, I have always been involved with different inclusion initiatives in various different capacities." Ben's dad Kenneth has a different perspective on Brexit. He's 57 and remembers a time before the UK was part of the EU, so his view is much more pragmatic. Working as a printer, he's seen first hand the impact that the EU restrictions have placed on the prosperity of certain trades by pushing down prices for work. He was going to vote for Brexit until Ben changed his mind.

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3 minutes

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