Katherine and Lizzie: Mum's the Word
Two friends talk about the postnatal depression that clouded their early motherhood. Childbirth is an emotional roller coaster for a new mum, but what if the pain continues?
Two friends talk about the postnatal depression that clouded their early motherhood. Childbirth is an emotional roller coaster ride for a new mum, and when the longed for baby arrives all the pain is usually soon forgotten. But for Katherine the birth of her first daughter in 2011 had a nasty sting in the tale, because within three weeks she was struck down by postnatal depression. Katherine had always wanted a baby, and everyone had said she'd make a natural mother, so the realisation that she wasn't coping with her daughter hit her particularly hard. Events unfolded quickly and she was referred to a specialist mother and baby unit in Manchester, and after seven weeks of treatment she regained her peace of mind. But she missed the companionship of the mums she'd met at the unit, and realising that women feel a lot of pressure not to talk if they find pregnancy and child rearing difficult, she set up The Happy Mums Foundation near Carlisle in 2015 as a space for mother's to talk about their experiences, and it was through this social enterprise that she met her friend Lizzie. . . .
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