African Perspective Episodes Available now
Shaba Concerts
The 1900s tradition of the concert party or variety show continues in modern Ghana
South African AIDS Epidemic
In 2001 five million South Africans were living with HIV
In the Black - Part Four
Building a thriving businesses in Ghana
In the Black - Part Three
How Somali business people have created and expanded highly successful companies
In the Black - Part Two
How the emergence of a black middle class can help business in South Africa
In the Black - Part One
Microfinance and small businesses in Kenya
The United States - Post 9/11
Africans living in the US assess the changing social landscape post 9/11
Mombasa, Kenya
Robin White takes a tour of the Kenyan port city of Mombasa
Islam in Mali
"Politics and religion cannot make a good soup"
Zimbabwe - The Struggle Within the Struggle
Former combatants in Zimbabwe's war of independence speak about the political crisis