The Farming World Episodes Episode guide
Political Priorities for Agriculture
Political policy makers outline priorities for helping poorest farmers
Surprise Benefits of the Velvet Bean in Benin
Benin farmers discover the velvet bean helps control spear grass and improves fertility
World Sheep and Wool Congress
The World Sheep and Wool Congress: discussing issues facing the sheep industry
Global Research for a Better Environment
Global research into how to improve air, water and food quality and saftey
Will Vaccinating Crops Be an Agrochemical Revolution?
Vaccinations for crops: a completely new approach to crop protection
Royal Agricultural Show Round-up
The latest scientific, engineering, trading and skill developments in the farming world
Borneo's Rainforest under Attack
Borneo's primary rainforest under intense attack from logging and farming
Royal Agricultural Show Opens
New emphasis on countryside and leisure at Britain's Royal Agricultural Show
Camels for Kenyan Nomads
Camels are replacing cattle for some nomadic pasturalists in northern Kenya
Why We Need Urban Agriculture
Urban agriculture is essential to feed the one half of the world living in cities by 2000
Saving Semi-Arid Land for Farmers
Restoring semi-arid regions in Tanzania and Zimbabwe with careful managment
Making the Best of Local Produce
Making the best of local produce and resources in West Africa, Sudan and Sri Lanka
Pine Plantations in Swaziland
Pine plantations in Swaziland are making a profit
In Praise of Trees Everywhere
Paying homage to trees: they restore damaged countryside and furnish our needs
Dairy Farming in Thailand
Dairy farming introduced in Thailand as government encourages diversification
Ethiopian Reafforestation
Desert reclaimed for forestry in Ethiopia witih the help of 1,700 villagers
UK National Resources Institute Privatised
One third of scientists at the NRI have lost their jobs in the privatisation
Mixed Farming in Niger
Mixed farming in Niger is a survival system under threat
Relief Aid Needs to Include Farmers, too
How to ensure farmers don't lose out on develoment aid after disasters like war and flood
Problems with Fish Farming in Asia
Why doesn't fish-farming work well in Asia? AIT researchers now have some of the answers
Fair-Trade Scheme for Cocoa-growers in Belize
Fair-trade chocolate made with finest Belize cocoa grown in new scheme
Banana Workers in Costa Rica Protest against Low Pay and Poor Conditons
Low pay and poor conditions of Costa Rica's banana workers who made the country rich
Safeguarding and Sharing Plant Genes
Conservation and the fair distribution globally of profit from plant genetic resources
All about Russian Agriculture - in English
Focus on Russia is a new magazine about food production in Russia, published in English
New Test for Aspergillus Toxins
New test for aflatoxins produced by aspergillus molds that infect grain and seed
Agroforestry: Working with Slash-and-Burn Cultivation
Updating slash-and-burn agricultural methods to protect the environment
New Commitment to Inclusive Agricultural Research
Agricultural research policies need to be made by everyone involved, declares CGIAR
New Growth in South Africa's Western Cape
Projects to help disadvantaged smallholders in South Africa's Western Cape
Securing IFAD's Future to Help Poorest Farmers
Farming fund that helps poorest countries secures funding for the next three years
Tagging Genes for Livestock Breeders
Australian geneticists identify beneficial genes for livestock breeders