Nancie and Neil: Tears Not Allowed
Nancie and her son Neil discuss their respective experiences of boarding school. Nancy recalls being left by her parents when she was six. She didn't see them again for over three years. This felt normal to her. She chose to send her children to boarding school, and speaks to son Neil about that decision.
Nancie is 90-years old and lives in Edinburgh. She was born and brought up in Burma, where her father was a railway engineer. They lived in a tiny 'railway colony' where there was no electricity or running water. She was the only child until her sister was born when she was three. Nancie's mum had gone to boarding school too, and had received lots of letters from Nancie's grandmother. When Nancie in turn sent her three children to boarding school, she maintained the tradition. Her son Neil talks about 'living for the letters'.
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