The Documentary Podcast Episodes Available now

An Interview with Egyptian President al-Sisi
Lyse Doucet speaks to Egyptian President al-Sisi ahead of his visit to London this week

Puerto Rico: The Have Nots and the Have Yachts
Why locals are leaving, and super-rich Americans are coming in the opposite direction

Philip Glass: Taxi Driver
Musician Philip Glass revisits his life '70s New York as a taxi driver and as a composer

Sex and the Synod: Pushing the Boundaries
Austria – on the frontline of the battle over Catholic doctrine on sex and the family

Three Pounds in My Pocket - Part Two
Stories of the pioneers who came to post war Britain from the Indian subcontinent.

South Sudan – can the world’s youngest country survive?
Tim Franks asks why the world's youngest nation is falling apart

Poems from Syria
The emotions and humanity of the Syrian people as seen through the eyes of its poets

Myanmar’s Bright Young Stars
How youth radio is helping to shape Myanmar's shift from military rule

Misunderstanding Japan
Exploring stereotypes of Japan from workaholics to submissive women and bizarre crazes

The Mayor, the Migrants and France’s Far Right
Lucy Ash reports from the French city of Beziers which has become a Far-right fortress