The History Hour Episodes Available now

The Million Man March
Black Americans march on Washington, and the first Afghan women's refuge.

South Korea's 1980s prison camps
The horrors of a so-called Social Purification project and the birth of Club Med

The 1960s report that warned the USA was racist
A government report into the riots of 1967 warned that white racism was dividing America

Quarantined in a TB sanatorium
Quarantined in a TB sanatorium; looted Nazi art works and the Rolling Stones in the dock

Dealing with economic crisis
How countries from around the world dealt with economic turmoil in the 20th century.

Sex trafficking and peacekeepers
A UN sex trafficking scandal in Bosnia, the Five Stages of Grief, and Beethoven in China.

Black American History Special
Key moments in African American history - civil rights, basketball and the 3 strikes law.

The Zanzibar revolution
How a bloody revolution changed East Africa, the start of the WHO and remembering Christo

The Gwangju massacre
South Korea's Gwangju uprising; changing the way we eat; plus protecting Congo's forests

Britain's World War Two crime wave
How criminals thrived in London during the Blitz, 3D printers and the 1980 Miami riots.