The latest on the beached whale at Shingle Street
A beached whale at Shingle Street could have starved. The British Zoological Society of London says it's unusual for the species to be found stranded in the UK and lack of food could be a factor.
Experts from the Zoological Society of London are due in Suffolk tomorrow to examine the body of a whale which died on a beach yesterday. The 30 foot creature came aground at Shingle Street. Foz gets the latest from the HM Coastguard Search and Rescue's Andrew Capell.
The private company Serco has taken over the running of community health services in Suffolk. The company describes itself as one which provides public sector services to millions of people around the world in defence, education and health to name just 3 areas. It's confident that it can provide improved care services to the county. Foz gets the thoughts of Alan Murray, the Chair of the Health Scrutiny Committee for Suffolk County Council.
An inquest is now underway into the death of a woman who was killed when she was struck by a runaway horse and carriage at Nowton County Park, Bury St Edmunds last year. 57 year old Carole Jane Bullett was attending the Nowton Country Fair on the 19th of June when the accident happened and she died the following day at Addenbrooke's hospital. Foz gets the latest from our West Suffolk Producer Philippa Taylor, who was at the inquest.
In the first hour from 4pm, Foz looks ahead to what's on the box this coming week with Lynne Mortimer. Paul Cawthorne and Phil Hubert talk about a week of brass band music in Ipswich and there are details of a brand new event in the west of the county called OctoBury.
In the music hour after 6pm, it's great music all the way including a chat with blues/rock guitar legend Alvin Lee, a man who made his name fronting Ten Years After back in the sixties. There's also a triple shot from the Van Morrison-fronted band Them.