Health Check Clips
And the most restful activity is …
Duration: 02:34
Why elite athletes often get ill
Duration: 02:46
How ants can culture antibiotics
Duration: 01:14
Driverless cars
Duration: 04:34
The latest generation of plastic body implants
Duration: 00:47
How can you deter teenagers from smoking?
Duration: 02:12
Does a baby know how to mimic you from birth?
Duration: 01:21
What happens to your brain when you 'supertask'?
Duration: 01:53
Switching off the noisy alarms in hospitals to aid recovery
Duration: 03:09
Where in the world are people most bored?
Duration: 01:05
Can boredom make you more creative?
Duration: 01:16
Connecting babies in incubators back to their mothers
Duration: 03:30
Is it safe to exercise when you're pregnant?
Duration: 04:26
What makes teenage boys so clumsy?
Duration: 01:13
Does heartburn in pregnancy mean a hairy baby?
Duration: 01:26
Killer sun
Duration: 05:46
Who's getting the most - and the least - sleep?
Duration: 01:14
How much sleep is best for your health?
Duration: 01:46
Who's leading WHO?
Duration: 02:26
What's made pimple-popping videos go viral?
Duration: 03:55
Ingesting hookworms in the name of science
Duration: 02:34
A personal quest to prevent suicides
Duration: 02:40
Low or high fat – which is better?
Duration: 01:27