The Hidden Jewels of the Cheapside Hoard
Jewellery designer Shaun Leane uncovers some of the secrets of the hoard of nearly 500 Elizabethan and Jacobean jewels discovered by workmen in London's Cheapside district in 1912.
In 1912, workmen demolishing a building in London's Cheapside district made an extraordinary discovery - a dazzling hoard of nearly 500 Elizabethan and Jacobean jewels. For the first time since its discovery, all the pieces from this priceless treasure trove will be on display at the Museum of London in a new exhibition opening on October 11th 2013. With exclusive close-up access to the fabulous collection, award-winning jewellery designer Shaun Leane goes behind the scenes during the run-up to the exhibition to uncover some of the secrets of the hoard. Who did the jewels belong to? Why were they buried? And why were they never retrieved? As Shaun uncovers a world of astonishing skill and glittering beauty, he also reveals a darker story of forgery, intrigue and even murder.