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The Shipping Postcards

Members of the Radio 4 Continuity team, the voices of the Shipping Forecast, travel to some of the areas listed in the forecast.

To mark the centenary of broadcasting of the Shipping Forecast, members of the Radio 4 Continuity team, the voices of the on-air forecast, leave the Radio 4 studio behind and travel the UK visiting some of the iconic areas we only know by their official descriptions on the daily forecast. Lundy, Dogger, Forth, Irish Sea, Wight. They meet the residents, sailors, fishermen, radio lovers and many others who live and work on the coastal areas - and who have a connection to the Shipping Forecast. And in between these littoral journeys we hear from other members of the continuity team about the art of reading the forecast in its familiar and clear delivery. Plus a selection of public figures explain what the Shipping Forecast means to them - and take the unexpected chance to read it on air.

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