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Episode 42 of 52

A-rèir fionn-sgeul, tha mòran rudan a’ gabhail àite nuair a tha Gealach Dhearg ann. According to legend, many things happen when there’s a Blood Moon - like werewolves appearing.

A-rèir fionn sgeul, tha mòran rudan a’ gabhail àite nuair a tha Gealach Dhearg ann – mar faol-daoine ri nochdadh. A dh'aindeoin sin, tha Sebastian, Belle agus na caraidean airson ma Gealaiche Deirge fhaicinn. Dè b’urrainn a dhol ceàrr?

According to legend, many things happen when there’s a Blood Moon. Belle, Sebastian and friends want to see the Red Moon, despite the stories. What could possibly go wrong?

21 hours left to watch

12 minutes


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