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An Cuairt Deireannach/The Final

With two couples left, Derek 'Pluto' Murray hosts the final of this knockout amateur DIY competition. Derek 'Pluto' Moireach le farpais spòrsail DIY is cupail a’ strì an aghaidh a chèile.

It’s the final of this exciting amateur DIY competition. Derek 'Pluto' Murray, with the help of head judge Iain Spanish MacKay and guest judge Donnie Macleod, will set the final two couples one huge all-day challenge. They have done well getting this far, but the stakes are high now as they near the end of the competition. As always with this series, instructions are not included, so the couples will need to improvise and keep their heads as they try to work out how best to tackle the task in hand and create their own DIY masterpiece. They are one task away from being crowned Dùbhlain DIY champions and the cash prize of £2,000.

‘S e cuairt deireannach na farpais ùr spòrsail DIY a th’ ann, far a bheil Derek "Pluto" Moireach, le taic bhon phrìomh bhritheamh Iain Spanish MacAoidh, a’ cur fàilte air an t-eòlaiche DIY Gàidhlig, Donnie Dòtaman MacLeoid mar bhritheamh air aoigheachd, agus e a’ cur dùbhlain mòr fad latha ron an dà chupal a th’ air fhàgail. Rinn iad math faighinn chun na h-ìre-sa, ach tha an suidheachadh gu math teann a-nis ‘s iad a’ teannadh dlùth air deireadh na farpais. Mar as àbhaist anns an t-sreath seo, chan eil sgeul air na stiùiridhean, mar sin feumaidh iad cùisean obrachadh a-mach dhaibh fhèin, cumail stòlta agus obrachadh còmhla gus an dùbhlan a choileanadh. A-nis chan eil ach aon dùbhlan eadar tiotal ‘Dùbhlain DIY’ agus duais £2000.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes

Last on

Fri 7 Jun 2024 23:00
