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Bears of the Carpathians/Mathain nan Carpathian

To preserve Romanian wildlife, a 150km-long passage was created in 2010: the Zarand corridor. For bears, this gateway is key to survival.

By constantly expanding and taking up land, humans have reduced wildlife territories, disrupting the natural passages through which animals must travel to meet their needs. Known as 'ecological corridors', these pathways are key to protecting biodiversity. So how do wild species fit into an increasingly inhabited, concrete, developed Earth? Are we capable of sharing territories with other living species?

Beyond creating enclosed, 'safe' reserves and sanctuaries, what are the solutions to preserve these wild areas? All over the world, scientists, environmental protectors and inhabitants of these lands are working together to revive these corridors and restore the free movement of wildlife.

Le bhith an c貌mhnaidh a鈥 leudachadh air r脿itealachd talmhainn, tha mac an duine air ranntairean fiadh-bheatha a l霉ghdachadh, a鈥 cur dragh air na slighean n脿darra trom feum beathaichean a dhol troimhe gus na feumalachdan aca a choileanadh.

Aithnichte mar 鈥渟hlighean 猫ic-e貌lach鈥, tha na starain seo air leth cudromach airson a bhith a鈥 d矛on bith-iomadachd. Le sin, ciamar as urrainn do fhiadh-bheatha an t-脿ite aca a ghabhail ann an saoghal concrait, leasaichte, l脿n daoine? A bheil e comasach dhuinn a bhith be貌 ann an ranntairean le beathaichean eile? A bharrachd air a bhith a鈥 cruthachadh t猫armainn 鈥渟脿bhailte鈥 d霉inte, d猫 am fuasgladh a th鈥 ann airson nan 脿itichean fiadhaich seo a dh矛on? Air feadh an t-saoghail, tha luchd-saidheans, luchd-d矛on na h-脿rainneachd agus an fheadhainn a tha a鈥 fuireach sna t矛rean seo uile ag obair c貌mhla gus na slighean seo a neartachadh 脿s 霉r gus siubhal saor nam beathaichean seo ath-st猫idheachadh. Tha an t-amas seo mar ph脿irt de cheann-uidhe riatanach eile: a bhith be貌 le beathaichean fiadhaich.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

8 days left to watch

43 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Jayne Macleod
Producer Ann Morrison
Executive Producer Calum McConnell
Editor Innes Macleod
