Episode 4
Máire and Dáithí are joined by writer Anna Heussaff and musician Aoife Scott.
Cuireann Máire Bhreathnach agus Dáithí Ó Muirí aoi stiúideo na seachtaine seo, an scríbhneoir Anna Heussaff, in aithne agus tá ceol ó Aoife Scott.
Buaileann Seán le healaíontóirí áitiúla a chuireann inbhuanaitheacht i gcroílár a saothar agus faigheann muid amach faoin phróiseas ealaíne atá ag bean amháin agus colainn s’aici féin in úsáid mar chanbhás aici.
Máire and Dáithí introduce this week’s studio guest, writer Anna Heussaff, and there is music from Aoife Scott. Seán Ó Baoill meets two Belfast creators who are doing their bit to help ease the effects of climate change by embracing the concept of circular design, and Donegal artist Cassie Gillespie reveals her intricate and intimate designs.
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Aoife Scott, Andy Meaney ┐ Ron Block: Ohio
Duration: 02:38
- Mon 6 Mar 2023 22:00鶹 Two Northern Ireland HD & Northern Ireland only