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Mac Athair Fhèin - Like Father, Like Son

Episode 2 of 6

The arrival of potential Norwegian investor Johan throws a cat among the pigeons as age old family secrets and resentments come to the fore.

The arrival of potential Norwegian investor Johan throws a cat among the pigeons as age old family secrets and resentments come to the fore. The MacSween clan soon begin to realise that the mill is in worse shape than they thought and Seumas makes a surprise announcement to save the mill.

Tha ruighinn, an neach-tasgaidh Nirribheach Johan a’ cur a' chiùil air feadh na fìdhle. Tha rùintean-dìomhair agus seann nàimhdeas an teaghlaich a’ togail ceann aon uair eile. Chan eil e a’ toirt fad sam bith mus tuig teaghlach MhicSuain gu bheil a’ mhuileann ann an
staid fada nas miosa na bha iad an dùil agus tha a’ bheachd a th’ aig Seumas airson a’ mhuileann a shàbhaileadh a’ cur iongnadh orra uile.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

15 days left to watch

29 minutes


Role Contributor
Seumas Ewen MacKinnon
Donald Eoghan MacDonald
Mairead Anna Murray
Rachel Rachel Kennedy
Boyd David Walker
Executive Producer Jim Webster
Executive Producer Tony Kearney
