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Ionmhas Àraid!

Tha Pompon agus Siùsaidh dol a dh'fhaighinn ionmhas aig ceann a’ bhogha-fhrois. Pompon and Siùsaidh are going to get treasure from the end of the rainbow.

Tha Pompon airson 's gum faigh e fhèin is Siùsaidh an t-iomhas a tha aig ceann a' bhogha-fhrois agus tha iad nan dithis a' falbh air turas. Ach, aig a' cheann thall, tha e faicinn gu bheil rudan eile mun cuairt air a tha a cheart cho luachmhor.

Pompon wants to go on a treasure hunt with Siùsaidh in search of a fortune at the end of the rainbow. They both go off on an adventure but at the end of the day, he sees there are other things around which are just as precious.

7 minutes
