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Eagal air an Àrd-ùrlar

Tha Pompon 'son togail a thoirt do dh' Agi, mus fhalbh i air a turas, oir tha i brònach. Pompon wants to cheer Agi up, before she goes away on her journey, as she is sad.

Chan eil Agi toilichte idir oir tha aice ri falbh air a turas ach chan eil e còrdadh rithe beannachd fhàgail. Tha Pompon is a charaidean a' dèanamh suas an inntinn cuirm a chur air dòigh air a son mus fhalbh i.

Agi isn’t happy as she has to go on her travels but she doesn’t like saying goodbye. Pompon and friends decide to put on a show for her before she goes.

7 minutes
