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Deagh Fhortan!

Tilgear cruinn thaobh cò thèid do na sgòthan còmh' ri Agi. Cò air a bhios deagh fhortan? Lots are cast to see who goes to the clouds with Agi. Who'll be the lucky person?

A dh'aindeoin seamrag, chan eil deagh fhortan aig Pompon. Le taghadh àireamh, cha b' e sia a nochd ach naoi le Gabi a' buinnig turas-basgaid do na sgòthan. Coma le Pompon 's Rita; na caraidean as dlùithe san t-saoghal

Despite a lucky shamrock, Pompon's not in luck. With numbers chosen, it was six that appeared and not nine, leaving Gabi to win the basket trip to the clouds. Pompon and Rita are indifferent, as they are the best of friends.

7 minutes
