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Tha Pompon air a chòmhdach an aghaidh cnatan nuair a thèid e dhan choille còmhla ri Rita. Pompon is wrapped up against catching the cold when he goes to the woods with Rita.

Nuair a tha Pompon 's Rita ri lorg ionmhas sa choille, tha Pompon ri sealltainn g' eil toiseach an fhuachd air fhèin. An dèidh dhan stoirm sìoladh, thathas a' co-chùnadh gum b' fheàrr a dhol dhachaigh mus fhàs e nas miosa.

When Pompon and Rita search for treasure in the woods, Pompon shows signs that he's coming down with a cold. After the storm settles, they conclude that they ought to go home before Pompon's cold worsens.

7 minutes
