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A' Chuairt Mhor

Tha Pompon 'son a bhith na bhaoghlair mar Agi ach 'n eil aige ach spògan seach sgiathan. Pompon wants to be an adventurer like Agi but he has paws, not wings.

B' e cuairt air leth a bh' aig Pompon agus athair 's iad a' rèis le èisg agus a' dol seachad air bìobhair anns a' bhàt' a thog Pompon. An ath thriop, chan eil fhios dè 'n dòigh siubhail a bhios aig Pompon; itealan 's dòcha.

Pompon and his father had the best of trips in the boat that Pompon built. They raced against dolphins and got past a beaver. Next time, goodness knows what mode of transport Pompon will have - a plane perhaps.

7 minutes
