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Nineteen Eighty-four

Cathy MacDonald reveals George Orwell’s time on Jura, and the writing of 1984. Cathy Dhòmhnallach ag innse mar a chaidh le Orwell ann an Diùraidh, agus sgrìobhadh 1984.

Published in 1949, George Orwell’s dystopian novel about repression, surveillance, manipulation and rebellion has embedded itself, and its chilling language, into everyday culture - from Big Brother and the Thought Police to Newspeak and Room 101.

Cathy MacDonald visits the remote house on the island of Jura where George Orwell, or Eric Blair as he was known on the island, wrote his classic novel. She explores the mood and themes of the book and reveals why he went to such a remote place to write. Cathy also reveals how his time on the island impacted on his attitudes towards the Scottish people - and Gaelic.

Nochd an leabhar dorcha aig Seòras Orwell air saoghal ana-ceart làn cheannsalachd, faire daonnan, buaidh chumhachd agus ar-a-mach, ann an 1949. Tha an leabhar, is a bhriathran oillteil, an-diugh suidhichte nar cultur, bho Big Brother agus na Thought Police, gu Newspeak agus Rùm 101.

Tha Cathy Dhòmhnallach a’tadhal air an taigh aonranach ann an Diùraidh far an do sgrìobh ‘Orwell’ an leabhar – ach a’cleachdadh ainm fhèin, Eric Blair, air an eilean. Tha i a’coimhead air sunnd is cuspairean an leabhair, agus ag innse dè thug air Blair dhol gu àite cho iomallach ga sgrìobhadh. Bheir i iomradh air a’bhuaidh a bh’aig na mìosan air an eilean air a bheachdan air Alba, Albannaich agus a’Ghàidhlig.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

58 minutes

Last on

Thu 9 May 2024 21:00


Role Contributor
Presenter Cathy MacDonald
