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Climate change and environmental upheaval mean that animals, which never met before, now have to share territory.

Seagulls attacking whales, hyenas hunting sea lions... Climate change and the environmental upheavals it brings mean that animals, which never met before, now have to share territory. If they wish to survive, predators have to rapidly invent new hunting strategies!

For the past 20 years in Golfo Nuovo Bay in Argentina, Mariano Sironi has seen the hostile relationship that has developed between seagulls and whales. The seagulls have become a veritable scourge for the whales and their young. How can these birds be a threat to these marine giants?

Biologist Ingrid Wissel has spent 20 years travelling around Skeleton Coast in Namibia where local sea lion populations have turned to a sedentary lifestyle. Ingrid has become the unique and privileged witness of an extremely rare phenomenon: the slow learning process of hunting or defence techniques of three animal species that thousands of years of evolution had not yet brought face to face: hyenas, jackals, and sea lions.

Faoileagan a' dèanamh ionnsaighean air mucan-mara, hianaichean a' sealg leòmhannan-mara... Tha a' bhuaidh a th' aig atharrachadh gnàth-shìde air an àrainneachd a' ciallachadh gu feum creutairean nach do choinnich roimhe a-nise a bhith beò còmhla.
Ma tha iad airson mairsinn beò, feumaidh creachadairean dòighean seilg ùr a leasachadh ann an cabhag.

Fad fichead bliadhna ann am Bàgh Golfo Nuovo ann an Argentina, tha Mariano Sironi air a bhith a leantainn an nàimhdeas a dh'fhàs eadar faoileagan is mucan-mara. Tha na faoileagan nan gràin dha na mucan-mara is an laoigh. Ciamar as urrainn dha na h-eòin a bhith nan cunnart dha na biastan mara seo?
Chuir am bith-eòlaiche Ingrid Wissel seachad 20 bliadhna a' siubhal Cladach a' Chnàmhlaich ann an Namibia, far a bheil na leòmhannan-mara air gabhail ri beatha shèisteil. Fhuair Ingrid cothrom iongantach annas air leth tearc fhaicinn: an leasachadh ann an dòighean creachaidh is dìona eadar trì seòrsa creutair nach robh air coinneachadh roimhe, fad nam mìltean bhliadhnaichean: hianaichean, seacail agus leòmhannan-mara.

Dubbed In Gaelic with English subtitles

52 minutes

Last on

Sun 12 Nov 2023 23:00

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Role Contributor
Narrator Derek Mackay
Producer Anne Morrison
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
Executive Producer Calum McConnell
