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Episode 7

Episode 7 of 8

The CÂ鶹Éç ALBA team visit Pollok Park to find out about witchcraft allegations made in the 17th century.

Tha sgioba CÂ鶹Éç ALBA a’ toirt thugainn na sgeulachdan agus na tachartasan as eagalaiche ann an eachdraidh na h-Alba. Anns a’ phrògram seo, cluinnidh sinn mu na thachair ann am baile beag Pollokton far an deach casaid a thogail an aghaidh sianar gun robh iad ri buidseachd. Gheibh sinn sealladh cuideachd air mar a bhiodh prògram farpais-cheist san 17mh linn deug.

CÂ鶹Éç ALBA investigates some of the scariest stories in Scottish history. In this episode, we hear about the six Pollokton villagers accused of witchcraft and see how a 17th-century gameshow might have played out.

7 minutes


Role Contributor
Presenter Hannah Mckirdy
Presenter Ellen Macdonald
Presenter Calum Macdonald
