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1620-1789: New slavery routes open up at unprecedented rates as the battle to make a fortune out of the sugar trade heats up.

1620 – 1789: From sugar to rebellion

17th century. The Atlantic has become the battlefield of the sugar war. French, English, Dutch and Spaniards fought for the Caribbean to cultivate sugar cane. To satisfy their dreams of fortune, the European kingdoms opened new slavery routes between Africa and the islands of the New World. With the complicity of banks and insurance companies, they industrialised their methods and brought the number of deportations to unprecedented levels. Almost seven million trapped Africans were caught up in a huge hurricane of violence.

1620 – 1789: Bho Siùcair gu Rèabhlaid

An t-seachdamh linn deug. Thòisich blàr an t-siùcair sa Chuan Shiar. Bha An Fhraing, Sasainn, An Òlaind is An Spàinn a' sabaid airson smachd fhaighinn air a' Charaib gus am b' urrainn dhaibh cuilc shiùcair fhàs. Airson am miann an t-saibhreas a shàsachadh, chruthaich rìoghachdan na h-Eòrpa slighean tràilleachd ùra eadar Afraga is eileanan an t-Saoghail Ùire. Le cuideachadh bhancaichean is chompanaidhean àrachais, mheudaich iad an cleachdaidhean is thug iad am bruid àireamhan nach fhacas riamh roimhe. Chaidh faisg air seachd millean Afraganaich an glacadh ann an stoirm mhòr ainneartach.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles

53 minutes
