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Manuel Noriega

How Manuel Noriega rose through the Panamanian military to become chief of intelligence and then dictator.

How Manuel Noriega rose through the Panamanian military to become chief of intelligence - and then dictator. He spied for the United States but in the end, money laundering, drug trafficking and political crimes led to his downfall.

Faic mar a dh'èirich Manuel Noreiga tro fheachdan Phanama gu bhith na cheannard air faisneis – agus an uairsin na dheachdaire armailteach. Bhiodh e a' brathadh dha na Stàitean Aonaichte, ach mu dheireadh, b' e ionnlaid-airgid, malairt dhrugaichean agus eucoir phoilitigeach a choisinn sgrios dha.

Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles.

53 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Alex O'Henley
Executive Producer Ishbel Maclennan
