Billy Graham
This film looks at the life and politics of the charismatic Billy Graham, America’s 'superstar' pastor.
Billy Graham, searmonaiche mòr-chliùiteach, sà r neach conaltraidh, a thionail na mìltean chrà bhaich tro na h-iomairtean soisgeulach aige air telebhisean.
Bhathar cho measail air sna Stà itean Aonaichte, agus gun deach an naidheachd a thaisbeanadh sna cinn naidheachd air feadh an t-saoghail nuair a chaochail e air an 28mh dhen Ghearran, 2018, aig aois faisg air 100. Dh'fhoillsich Time Magazine iris sònraichte mu dheidhinn air an robh "America's Preacher" is rinn sluagh Ameireaga luaidh air fad dà latha aig Capitol Hill ann am Washington.
Fad faisg air ceud bliadhna, bha Graham am measg uaislean Phròstanach Ameireaga, a' comhairleachadh agus a' stiùireadh ghnothaichean gu dìomhair san Taigh Gheal. Chaidh a thaghadh mar chomhairliche spioradail dhan Phrìomhaire Roosevelt, is bha a chumhachd gu tric connspaideach, is chuir a bheachdan thearmannach mu chasg-bhreith is co-ghnèitheachd grà in air mòran ann an Ameireaga.
The life of Billy Graham, the 'superstar' pastor and a master of communication, who gathered thousands of faithfuls during his 'televangelisation' campaigns.
In the United States, his popularity was such that his death on February 28, 2018, near his 100th birthday, made headlines all across the world. Time Magazine dedicated a special issue to him with the title: "America’s Preacher", and he received the honours of the American nation for two days at Capitol Hill in Washington.
For almost a century, Graham was at the heart of the American Protestant elite, advising and shaping behind the scenes of power in the White House. Inducted into the role of spiritual adviser to the Presidency by Roosevelt, his influence was often controversial and his conservative position on abortion and homosexuality alienated many in American society.
This film looks at the life and times of the charismatic Billy Graham and sheds light on the geopolitics of religion in the United States.
Dubbed in Gaelic with English subtitles
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- Thu 27 May 2021 22:30
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