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Aig an Oir

Episode 4 of 14

Mountaineer Kenny Rankin attempts to climb a classic Ayrshire peak.

Tha sinn beò ann an dùthaich far am bi daoine a’ sreap. Airson ceud bliadhna is barrachd, tha beanntan na h-Alba air daoine bho air feadh an t-saoghail a thàladh, ’s iad a’ sireadh an cuid dùbhlan is cunnart.
Mar fhear a chaidh àrach air talamh sgurrach Loch Aillse, bha Coinneach MacFhraing a-riamh air a bheò-ghlacadh le na mullaich a bha timcheall air. Tha am film seo ga leantainn ’s e a’ feuchainn air slighe ainmeil, eagalach ann an Siorrachd Àir an Ear.

For over a century, Scotland’s peaks have attracted climbers and walkers from all over the world. Every year, athletes come to test themselves against some of the most uniquely challenging climbs in Europe, in the face of miserable weather and gruelling isolation.

Born in the rugged Lochalsh region of the West Highlands, Kenny Rankin is no stranger to these grounds. Having spent his early years navigating the Cullin ridge under his father’s guidance, he is now a seasoned climber and mountaineer in his own right. This film follows his attempt to climb a classic Ayrshire trad route.

5 minutes
