Cerddoriaeth a hwyl gyda Geth a Ger, gan gynnwys Llinell yr Wythnos Pobol y Cwm! Music and fun to start the weekend.
Darllediad diwethaf
Cerddoriaeth a chwaraewyd
Y Cyrff
Cymru, Lloegr A Llanrwst
- Atalnod Llawn.
- Rasal.
Broken Brass
Got The Funk
- Brass Ninja Records.
Helene Smith
You Got To Be a Man
Rhys Gwynfor
Esgyrn Eira
- Recordiau C么sh.
Georgia Ruth
Madryn (Cotton Wolf Remix)
- Mai.
- Bubblewrap Collective.
Je Suis Bien La M锚me
Hot Chocolate
Every 1's a Winner
- Hot Chocolate - Their Greatest Hits.
- EMI.
Pep Le Pew
Y Werin Bobol
- Un Tro yn y Gorllewin.
Juan Pablo Torres
Son A Propulsion
- Waxing Deep Records.
Breichiau Hir
Y Bardd O Montreal
- Libertino.
It Must Be Love
- The 80's Love Album (Various Artists.
- Virgin.
Fisher Price vs. Tonka
- Gwen 22 Ion 2021 20:00麻豆社 Radio Cymru & 麻豆社 Radio Cymru 2