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Episode 2

The ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ team bring you the most important social, political and cultural stories from across Scotland and Europe.

Le dragh ann air mar a tha eòin-creachaidh fhathast air an call timcheall sgìrean de dh’Alba far a bheil sealg nan cearcan-fraoich a’ dol air adhart, a bheil thìde ann oighreachdan-seilge na dùthcha thighinn fo bharrachd smachd le sgeama-ceadachaidh ga thoirt a-steach?

Ann an ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ an t-seachdainsa, tha Alasdair MacLeòid a’ faighinn beachd bho dhaoine air gach taobh dhen deasbad mun t-slighe air adhart.

Tha Anndra MacFhionghain a’ bruidhinn ri cleasaichean, luchd-ciùil, agus stiùirichean ionadan-cluiche mu bhuaidh a’ chorona-bhìorais air na h-ealain. A bheilear ag èisteachd, aig ìre riaghaltais, ri draghan luchd-ealain, mòran aca a tha air am beatha a chuir seachad gus na sgilean aca a thoirt air adhart agus ma tha, dè seòrsa taic a tha ri fhaighinn gus an cuideachadh?

With ongoing concern at the numbers of birds of prey being lost in parts of Scotland covered by grouse moorland, is it now time for a licensing scheme to control practices on grouse shooting estates? In ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ this week, Alasdair MacLeod gets views from those on both sides of the debate on the best way forward. And Andrew Mackinnon speaks to members of the Gaelic arts community about the effect of coronavirus on the sector and to what extent government support will help the industry recover.

30 minutes

Sealg nan cearcan-fraoich

Sealg nan cearcan-fraoich
Le dragh ann air mar a tha eòin-creachaidh fhathast air an call timcheall sgìrean de dh'Alba far a bheil sealg nan cearcan-fraoich a' dol air adhart, a bheil thìde ann oighreachdan-seilge na dùthcha thighinn fo bharrachd smachd le sgeama-ceadachaidh ga thoirt a-steach?

Tha Alasdair MacLeòid a' faighinn beachd bho dhaoine air gach taobh dhen deasbad mun t-slighe air adhart; agus ris an fhear a bha bhos cionn buidheann neo-eisimileach a rinn sgrùdadh fad dà bhliadhna air sealg nan cearcan-fraoich às leth Riaghaltas na h-Alba; le toraidhean an sgrùdaidh a' moladh gum bu chòir còig bliadhna eile a bhith ann mas tig sgeama-ceadachaidh a-steach.

Tha còrr is 10% de thalamh na h-Alba air a chumail a dh'aona ghnothach airson sealg nan cearcan-fraoich, le cuid ag iarraidh gun tèid coimhead ris an fhearann seo a chur gu feum ann an dòighean eadar-dhealaichte; ach dè a bhuaidh a bhiodh an lùib seo dha coimhearsnachdan air an tuath a tha an urra ri obraichean an lùib seilg is oighreachdan?

Bitheas cuideachd a' coimhead a-rithist ris na diofar chleachdaidhean a tha tric a' dol air adhart air oighreachdan-seilge; leithid a bhith a' losgadh fraoich gach bliadhna le falaisgearan; cleachdadh grinneal le stuth ceimigeach, agus glacadh is marbhadh bheathaichean eile chum maith nan cearcan-fraoich?

Grouse shooting

Grouse shooting

With ongoing concern at the numbers of birds of prey being lost in parts of Scotland covered by grouse moorland, is it now time for a licensing scheme to control practices on  grouse shooting estates?

Alasdair MacLeod gets views from those on both sides of the debate on the best way forward, and speaks to the individual who oversaw an independent review group which conducted a two-year study on grouse shooting on behalf of the Scottish Government; with the group concluding that another five years be granted to the industry before a licensing scheme be introduced.

With more than 10% of Scotland is currently managed and maintained as grouse moorland, is it time to consider alternative land uses for these areas; uses such as forestry, rewilding and ecotourism? If so, what impact would such changes have on rural communities reliant on the employment opportunities created by grouse estates?

The program also considers the impact of various practices involved in maintaining grouse moorland, such as burning patches of moorland for heather renewal, the use of medicated grit, and the legal trapping and the killing other animals in order to maintain grouse numbers.

Covid agus na h-ealain

Covid agus na h-ealain
Tha an coròna-bhìoras air buaidh a thoirt oirnn uile, ann an iomadh dòigh, bho nochd e san Rìoghachd Aonaichte na bu thràithe den bliadhna. Tha grunn ghnìomhachasan air fulang, na h-ealain nam measg. Aig àm far a bheil dibhearsan agus aoibhneas a dhìth, a bheil iadsan a tha an sàs anns na h-ealain a' faireachdainn gun deach an dìochuimhneachadh?

Tha Anndra MacFhionghain a' bruidhinn ri cleasaichean, luchd-ciùil, stiùirichean ionadan-cluiche agus an riaghaltas. A bheilear ag èisteachd ri draghan luchd-ealain, mòran aca a tha air am beatha a chuir seachad gus na sgilean aca a thoirt air adhart, aig ìre riaghaltais, agus ma tha, dè seòrsa taic a tha ri fhaighinn gus an cuideachadh?

Covid and the arts

Covid and the arts

Coronavirus has affected us all, in one way or another, since it appeared in the UK at the beginning of the year. Many industries have suffered, including the arts. At a time when joy and escapism are more important than ever, do those working in the arts feel they've been left behind?

Andrew MacKinnon speaks to actors, musicians, venue directors and the government. Are the worries of artists, many of whom have trained their whole lives to perfect their skills, being listened to at government level, and if so, what packages are in place to support them?


Â鶹Éç Naidheachdan

Â鶹Éç Naidheachdan

Naidheachdan agus fiosrachadh sa Ghàidhlig bhon a' BhBC