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Tha muir-tèachd ag innse dhuinn mu dheidhinn fhèin agus mar a tha 'ad coltach ri slaman. A jellyfish tells us all about himself and how they resemble jelly

Tha tòrr fiosrachaidh aig muir-tèachd dhuinn mu dheidhinn fhèin - fiosrachadh mar a th’ad dìreach mar slaman, gun chridhe no fiùs cnàmhan. Chan e sin a-mhàin, oir, on a tha e comasach faicinn tro mhuir-tèachd, chithear an dìnnear an dèidh dhaibh ithe!

Jellyfish gives us lots of facts about himself - how jellyfish resemble jelly and how they don’t have a heart or bones. Not only that, as they are see-through, you can spot their dinner after they’ve eaten it!

2 minutes


Role Contributor
²Ñ³Ü¾±°ù-³Ùè²¹³¦³ó»å Niall Iain MacDonald
Executive Producer Bill Macleòid
Producer May Smart
Editor Phil Reed
Writer Ishbel Maclean
