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Cuimhneachain air Fèis Belladrum

Sùil air ais air Fèis Belladrum thairis nam bliadhnaichean. A special programme taking a look back at some of the best moments at Belladrum Festival.

Tha Fèis Belladrum a' gabhail àite san Lùnastal mar as àbhaist, ach gu mì-fhortanach cha robh an fhèis ann am-bliadhna. Bha Rachel a' còmhradh ri feadhainn a th' air a bhith aig an fhèis seo thairis nam bliadhnaichean agus a' faighinn a-mach dè na cuimhneachain as fheàrr a th' aca bho bhith ann agus bidh i a' cluich ceòl bho chuid de na còmhlain a nochd ann agus criomagan de dh' agallamhan le còmhlain bho thasglann Rapal.

The Belladrum festival usually takes place every August in the Highlands but, like most other festivals this year, it was cancelled. In this programme Rachel chats to some festival-goers and finds out what their best memories are of the festival over the years. We'll feature music from some of the bands who have appeared at the festival and some Rapal archive clips of interviews with bands.

2 hours, 3 minutes

Last on

Tue 29 Dec 2020 19:00

Music Played



  • James

    Sit Down

  • Amy Macdonald

    Mr. Rock & Roll

  • Kaiser Chiefs

    Every Day I Love You Less And Less

  • Travis


    • (CD Single).
    • Independiente.
  • The LaFontaines

    Release The Hounds

  • Maisie Peters

    Favourite Ex

  • Primal Scream


    • Dirty Hits.
    • Columbia.


  • Wed 29 Jul 2020 19:30
  • Tue 29 Dec 2020 19:00