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Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ rannsachadh diofar stuthan; an-diugh tha iad ag ionnsachadh mu dheidhinn dìtheanan. Kit and Pup investigate the world of plants and materials - today it’s flowers.

Thugainn a’ rannsachadh dhitheanan còmhla ri Piseag agus Cuilean! Tha Piseag agus Cuilean a’ toirt sùil air na dìtheanan anns a’ ghàrradh aca. Ach, a dh’aindeoin cho dealasach ’s a tha Piseag sa ghàrradh, tha i fhathast ag adhbharrachadh tubaist neo dhà leis na dìtheanan! Tron rannsachadh aca, tha Piseag agus Cuilean ag ionnsachadh gu bheil dìtheanan dathach, gu bheil bileagan orra agus gu bheil seilleanan uabhsach measail orra cuideachd. Mar phàirt dhen sgrùdadh, tha dithis neach-saidheans òga a’ sealltainn gu bheil cumadh agus meud eadar-dhealaichte air bileagan diofar dhìtheanan. A bharrachd air an seo, tha lorgaire beag bìodach a’ smèideadh bho mheadhan dìthean brèagha buidhe.

Let’s find out about flowers with Kit and Pup. The duo are looking after the flowers in their garden, but Kit’s enthusiasm results in a few mishaps! Through their adventures, they find out that flowers are colourful, have petals and bees love them.

In the live-action investigation, two small scientists discover how petals come in different shapes and sizes and in the material world a small explorer waves from the centre of a flower.

5 minutes


Role Contributor
Narrator Matthew Gilmour Wright
Narrator Shreya MacKenzie Saul
Producer Linda MacLeod
Executive Producer Bill MacLeod
Production Company Solus Productions
