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Episode 3

Episode 3 of 8

Ramsay escapes city life for the solitude and scenery of the island of Rum. Ramsay a’ trèigsinn a’ bhaile airson aonranachd is bòidhchead Eilein Rùm.

Ramsay MacMahon is a firm believer in escaping the city at the weekend for the wilds of Scotland. A short ferry ride from Mallaig, Ramsay travels to Rum, a National Nature Reserve in the Small Isles. There Ramsay takes a mountain bike to cycle to the other side of the island to an area called Harris. With breathtaking views of the island’s very own Cuillin and countless little lochs, this is one of the most spectacular mountain bike routes.

Ramsay meets the Rum Ponies, the island’s own breed of Highland pony and he is surrounded by wildlife as he beds down for the evening in his tent. He learns about the eccentric former landowners, the Bullough family, and camps beside the family’s Grecian-style mausoleum – a building incongruous in this west coast island landscape – and visits the castle they built which is filled with the family’s weird and wonderful possessions.

Tha Ramsay MacMahon làidir den bheachd gum bu chòir teicheadh às a bhaile aig an deireadh sheachdain, gu àitichean iomallach is brèagha.
An-diugh tha e a’ falbh gu Tèarmann Nàdair Nàiseanta Eilein Rùm, beagan is uair a thìde air an aiseag à Malaig. Mach air a bhaidhseagail an toiseach gu na Hearadh Rumach, le seallaidhean sgoinneil dhe na beanntan agus na ficheadan lochan beaga mun cuairt.

Air an taobh an iar tha e tachairt air eich an eilein – gnè a bhuineas do Rùm a-mhàin. Tha mòran ri fhaicinn mus dùin e a shùilean gu cadal san teant. Tha Ramsay cuideachd a’ cluinntinn eachdraidh na seann uachdaran, an teaghlach Bullough. Tha an teant a-nochd ri taobh a’ chrùisle aca, air cumadh Grèigeach, mì-fhreagarrach air eilean san iar-thuath; gabhaidh e cuideachd cuairt dhan chaisteal a thog iad an seo, làn fhathast le gach annas a bhiodh iad a’ ceannach.

In Gaelic with English subtitles

29 minutes
