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64/104 Tha prèasant brisg aig Bing do Sula. Bing has a fragile present to bring to Sula.

63/104 Tha Bing a’ lorg caraid catail ùr. Bing finds a new feline friend.

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62/104 Tha Bing ag iarraidh plà st mar a fhuair Coco. Bing wants a plaster, just like Coco

61/104 Tha Bing a’ dèanamh fiughair ri reòiteag. Bing looks forward to an ice cream.

60/104 There’s a hole in one of Bing’s yellow wellies but he is very reluctant to throw them away

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59/104 Tha Bing ‘s Sula a’ lorg dèideag ùr annasach. Bing and Sula find an unusual new toy.

Dìneasar Cailc
58/104 Tha an t-uisge a’ sgrios an dealbh aig Bing. The rain ruins Bing’s lovely drawing.

57/104 A little butterfly flies into the crèche and Bing wants to help it return outside.

56/104 While at the park, Bing spots Pando on his new skateboard and decides he wants a go.

Siuthad, Teà rlaidh
55/104 Charlie is visiting today, but he and Bing can’t agree on what to play.