The journey to secondary school life, another big change for any scholar as the steps towards the cusp of adulthood begin.
Tha an sreath a鈥 leantainn le s霉il bhl脿th, aotrom air na l脿ithean as fhe脿rr na ur beatha. Tro sgeulachd agus cuimhneachain s貌nraichte tha sinn a鈥 gabhail cuairt bhon chiad l脿ithean sa bhun-sgoil agus na l脿ithean 鈥淏uidhe Bealltainn鈥 sin, agus an uairsin gu saoghal eadar-dhealaichte na h-脿rd-sgoile 鈥 agus f矛or thoiseach t貌iseachaidh saoghal 霉r nan inbheach.
Tha am pr貌gram mu dheireadh san t-sreath a鈥 leantainn an turais sin dhan 脿rd-sgoil, atharrachadh m貌r eile ann am beatha gach sgoileir. 鈥楽 e seo a鈥 chiad cheum aca ann am beatha nan inbhich. Tidsearan 霉ra, cuspairean 霉ra, agus caraidean 霉ra, agus dha cuid dachaigh 霉r, agus iad a鈥 d猫anamh air an osdal. Bha cuideachd tarraing saoghal an fhasain, dannsaichean, cultar nan cafaidhean, agus suirghe!
Continuing the nostalgic mini-series, with a lighthearted look back at the best days of our lives. Through story and anecdote we take a journey from the first days at primary school, right through to the very different world of the high school, and the beginning of adult life.
The final programme follows that journey to secondary school life, another big change for any scholar. It was their first steps in to adult life and a whole new world. New teachers, new subjects and new friends, and for some a new home, as they went to the hostel. There was also the excitement of discovering the world of fashion, dances, cafe culture and courting!