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Tha na seòid a’ dèanamh rud a tha mì-nàdarrach dhaibh – biadh gun fheòil. Out of their cooking comfort zone, the lads cook vegetarian food.

Tha na seòid a’ cur dùbhlan romhpa fhèin gus biadh gun fheòil a dhèanamh. Ged a tha iad daonnan a’ cleachdadh glasraich nan cuid chòcaireachd, ’s ann glè ainneamh a bhios iad a’ dèanamh càil às aonais feòla. Anns a’ phrògram seo, tha Ùisdean a’ dèanamh sùth glasraich agus a’ bruich stèig – stèig càl-chollaig! Tha Roddy a’ deasachadh sailead Leabanach – Fattouche. A bharrachd air a’ sin, tiops halloumi agus tiops mearag-bheag, mus tòisich e air an ath reasabaidh – brot blasta le mearag-bheag, nudailean agus miso. Abair fèiste do ghlasraichear sam bith.

The lads take on a self-enforced challenge, to cook vegetarian food. Although they always use vegetables in the kitchen, they rarely leave meats behind. Uisdean makes a solid vegetable stock, and cooks a steak – a cauliflower steak! Roddy prepares a Lebanese dish, fattouche salad. To snack on between cooking the next recipe, he makes halloumi and courgette fries. As a starter he makes a tasty courgette noodle miso soup. A feast of tasty foods to satisfy the vegetarian palate.

Air a chraoladh

DiL 24 Gibl 2023 23:30

Stoc Glasraich (2 liotair)/Vegetable Stock (2 litres)

Stoc Glasraich
3 uinneanan beaga
3 pìosan soilire
2 chainneann, air an gearradh
2 churran, air an gearradh
1 ceann creamh, cleachd clòbhan slàn
1 basgaid balgan-buachrach
1 tomàto mòr, air a ghearradh
½ ceann fineal
50g ìm
Ola-chroinn-ola airson fraidhigeadh
Dhà neo trì phìosan lus an rìgh
Pearsail le duilleagan rèidh
1 duilleag labhrais
Dhà neo trì eiteanan-piobair
Salainn garbh

Teasaich an ola agus an t-ìm ann am pana.

Cuir curranan, uinneanan, soilire, cainneann agus fineal cuide ris, agus fraidhig airson mionaid neo dhà.

An uairsin, cuir creamh, balgain-buachrach agus tomàto ris.

Sàill le craiteachan salainn garbh agus eiteanan-piobair.

Bruich airson mu 10 mionaidean, ga mheasgachadh bho àm gu àm.

Cuir 2 liotair uisge goileach agus na luibhean na mheasg.

Leig leis goil gu socair airson uair a thìde.

Vegetable Stock
3 small onions, quartered
3 celery stalks, roughly chopped
2 leeks, roughly chopped
2 carrots, roughly chopped
1 head of garlic, use whole cloves
1 punnet of white mushrooms
1 large tomato, roughly chopped
½ bulb fennel
50g butter
Olive oil for frying
1 few sprigs of thyme
Flat leaf parsley
1 bay leaf
A few black peppercorns
Coarse salt

Heat oil and butter in a pan.

Add carrots, onions, celery, leeks, fennel fry for a couple of minutes.

Then add garlic, mushrooms and tomato.  

Season with a pinch of coarse salt and peppercorns. 

Cook for approximately 10 minutes, stirring occasionally to mix ingredients. 

Add 2 litres of boiling water and add herbs. 

Allow to simmer for 1 hour. 

Brot Miso le Nudail-mearag-bheag/Courgette & Noodle Miso Broth

Brot Miso le Nudail-mearag-bheag/Courgette & Noodle Miso Broth
Brot Miso le Nudail-mearag-bheag
2 mhearag-bheag, air an gearradh nan ribeanan le spiralizer
2 phiobair-tiolaidh dearg, air an gearradh gu mìn
Bad uinneanan-earraich, air an gearradh
Dinnsear ùr, air a ghearradh gu mìn
2 chlòbh creamh
2 spàin-bùird chnòthan-talmhainn neo-shaillte, air am pronnadh
Steallag fìon-geur rìs
90g taois Miso geal
Salainn garbh
Eiteanan-piobar dubh
1 pacaid tofu, air a ghearradh na cheàrnagan

Ròst na cnòthan-talmhainn ann am pana tioram.

Leagh an taois miso ann 2 liotair de stoc glasraich. (Stoc Ùisdein)

Cuir creamh pronn, tiolaidhean agus dinnsear na luib.

Goil airson 5 mionaidean agus an uairsin cuir ann an tofu, uinneanan-earraich, fion-geur rìs agus nudail-mearag-bheag.

Cuir cnòthan-talmhainn pronn air a mhuin.

Courgette and Noodle Miso Broth
2 courgettes, sprialised
2 red chillies, finely chopped
1 bunch of spring onions, chopped
Fresh ginger, finely chopped
2 cloves of garlic
2 tbls unsalted peanuts, crushed
Dash of rice wine vinegar
90g white Miso paste
Coarse salt
Black peppercorns
1 packet tofu, cut into squares

Dry roast the peanuts in a pan. 

Dissolve the miso paste in 2 litres of vegetable stock. (Uisdean’s stock.)

Add crushed garlic, chillies and ginger. 

Boil for 5 minutes and then add the tofu, spring onions, rice wine vinegar & spiralised courgettes.  

Top with crushed peanuts. 

Fatoush le Tiops Halloumi/Fatoush with Halloumi Chips

Fatoush le Tiops Halloumi/Fatoush with Halloumi Chips
Airson Fatoush:
500g iogart nàdarra
250g sìol-gràin-ubhail
Bad uinneanan-earraich, air an gearradh
2 leatas iceberg, air an gearradh
Càise halloumi
½ cularan leis a’ mheadhan air a thoirt às, air a gheàrradh na shlisean agus na chnapan beaga
Tomàtothan air gheugag, air an gearradh
5/6 raidisean, air an cairtealachadh
2 liomaid
Pearsail le duilleagan rèidh, air a ghearradh
Ola-chroinn-ola fìorghlan
Druthag crème fraiche
1 aran pita, air a bhlàthachadh san àmhainn.

Ullaich stuthan an t-sailead ann am bobhla le na luibhean geàrrte.

Dòirt druthag leth liomaid agus ola-chroinn-ola air na mheasg, agus sàill.

Cuir dhan frids e.

Nuair a thathar deiseil airson ithe, cuir criomagan aran pita na mheasg agus dòirt druthag crème fraiche agus molaiseas-gràin-ubhail air a mhuin.

Crìochnaich le craiteachan sìol-gràin-ubhail.

Geàrr an halloumi na shlisean, dust le flùr spìosraichte agus paprika.

Fraidhig ann am pana domhainn ola iad gus a bheil dath òr orra.

For Fatoush: 
500g natural yoghurt
250g pomegranate seeds
1 bunch spring onions, roughly chopped
2 iceberg lettuces, roughly chopped
Halloumi cheese
Pomegranate molasses 
½ cucumber, cored and sliced and cut into small chunks
Vine tomatoes, roughly diced
5/6 radishes, quartered
2 lemons 
Flat leaf parsley, chopped
Mint, chopped
Lemon juice 
Extra virgin olive oil 
Drizzle of crème fraiche 
1 Pitta bread, warmed in the oven

Prepare salad ingredients in a bowl along with chopped herbs. 

Drizzle juice of half a lemon & olive oil & season. 

Set aside in the fridge. 

When ready to serve, add bite size pieces of pitta bread and drizzle with crème fraiche and pomegranate molasses. 

Finish by sprinkling with pomegranate seeds. 

Cut the halloumi into slices, dust with seasoned flour & dusting of paprika.

Deep fry until golden. 

Stèic Càl-colaig le Purée Currain-ghil is Lùghdachadh-sabhs Balsamic/Cauliflower Steak with Parsnip Puree & Balsamic Reduction

Stèic Càl-colaig le Purée Currain-ghil is Lùghdachadh-sabhs Balsamic/Cauliflower Steak with Parsnip Puree & Balsamic Reduction
Stèic Càl-colaig le Purée Currain-ghil agus Lùghdachadh-sabhs Balsamic
1 càl-colaig
Dustadh de dh’fhineal tioram
Sìol fineal
Sùgh leth oraindsear
Cnap ìm
Biotais beaga, air a bhruich gus a bheil e bog
Pìos lus an rìgh

Geàrr slis tiugh a-mach à meadhan a’ chàl-cholaig.

Bruisig gach taobh le sùg liomaid agus ola, agus dust le fineal tioram.

Fraidhig an càl-colaig mar a fhraidhigeadh tu stèic.

Bruich gach taobh air mullach an stòbha gus a bheil e donn.

Cuir dhan àmhainn e gus a bheil e bruich.

Buntàta Confit
Buntàta cèireach air an dèanamh cruinn
Cnap ìm
Ola airson fraidhigeadh
1 liagh stoc glasraich

Bruich am buntàta ann an ìm agus ola gus a bheil iad donn.
Cuir stoc orra agus bruich san àmhainn airson 30 mionaidean aig 200°C.

Purée Currain-ghil
Bruich na curranan-geala ann an uisge goileach. Nuair a tha iad bruich, brùth tro sìoltachan iad gus an tionndadh iad gu purée.

Cuir crème fraîche na luib agus measgaich gus a bheil e mìn.

Lùghdachadh-sabhs Balsamic agus Orainds
Fìon-geur balsamic
Rùsg Oraindsear
Fineal tioram
Lùghdaich fìon-geur balsamic, le rùsg oraindsear agus fineal, ann am pana gus a bheil e coltach ri siorap.

Stoc glasraich
Fineal tioram
Blàthaich an stoc ann am pana gus a bheil e a’ goil gu socair, cuir crème fraîche agus parmesan air a bhleith na lùib.
Cuir cobhar air le inneal-measgachaidh gus a bheil e na chop.

Biotais beaga air an Ròstadh
Bruich biotais beaga gus a bheil iad bog agus geàrr nan cairtealan.
Dòirt druthag ola orra, sàill agus cuir pìos lus an rìgh riutha.
Ròst san àmhainn airson mu 20 mionaid aig 200°C.
Curranan Beaga agus Fineal air an Ròstadh
Curranan beaga
Sìol fineal
Cnap ìm
Ola airson fraidhigeadh
Rùsg agus sùgh leith oraindsear
Pìos lus an rìgh
Seasan le salann agus piobar

Cuir a h-uile càil ann am praidheapan agus fraidhig air mullach an stòbha.

Nuair a tha na glasraich donn air gach taobh, còmhdaich le liagh de stoc glasraich gus gleans a chur orra.

Caraiceagan mearaige-bige
1 mearag-bheag mhòr
1 ugh, air a bhuaileadh
Flùr plèan spìosraichte airson bogadh
Ola airson fraidheadh domhainn

Geàrr na mearagan-beaga nam batanan.

Bog na batanan san ugh agus còmhdaich le flùr spìosraichte.

Fraidh gu domhainn gus an tig dath òr orra.

Uachdar goirt agus Diop Càise Gorm
150g uachdar goirt
150g càise gorm bog
Sùgh liomaid

Cauliflower Steak with Parnsip Puree & Balsamic Reduction 
1 cauliflower 
Dusting of dried fennel
Fennel seeds
Juice of ½ orange
Knob of butter
Baby beetroot, boiled until tender
Sprig of thyme

Slice into the middle of the cauliflower to cut a thick slice. 

Brush both sides of the cauliflower with lemon juice, oil and dust with dried fennel. 

Season the cauliflower with a little salt. 

To cook, melt a knob of butter and a little oil in frying pan to heat. 

Fry the cauliflower as you would fry a steak.

Brown on both sides, on the hob. 

Finish the cooking in the oven, until it is cooked through. 

Confit Potatoes 
Waxy potatoes, cut into rounds
Knob of butter
Oil for frying
1 ladle vegetable stock 

Brown the potatoes in butter and oil.

Add stock and transfer to the oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees. 

Parsnip Puree 
Boil parsnips. Once cooked, sieve to form a puree. 

Stir in crème fraiche until smooth. 

Balsamic & Orange Reduction 
Balsamic vinegar
Orange zest
Dried fennel
Reduce balsamic vinegar, with orange zest & fennel, in a pan. 

Vegetable stock 
Dried fennel
Heat the stock in a pan and bring to a simmer, add crème fraiche and grated parmesan. 
Blitz to create a foam. 

Roasted Baby Beets
Boil baby beets until tender and cut into quarters. 
Drizzle with oil and season & add a sprig of thyme. 
Roast in the oven for approximately 20 minutes at 200 degrees. 

Roasted Baby Carrots & Fennel 
Baby carrots
Fennel seeds
Knob of butter
Oil for frying
Zest & juice of ½ orange
Sprig of thyme
Season with salt & pepper

Place ingredients in a frying pan and fry on the hob.

Once the vegetables have browned on both sides, add a ladle of vegetable stock to form a glaze. 

Courgette Fritters 
1 large courgette
1 beaten eggs
Seasoned plain flour for dipping. 
Oil for deep frying. 
Cut the courgette into batons. 
Dip the batons into beaten egg and coat in the seasoned flour.
Deep fry until golden. 

Sour Cream & Blue Cheese Dip 
150g sour cream 
150g Blue creamy blue cheese
Lemon juice 

Role Contributor
Presenter Uisdean Macleod
Presenter Ruaraidh Munro