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Ukraine Special

Angela Maclean reports from Ukraine ahead of the first presidential elections since the county's pro-Russian government was overthrown.

Còig bliadhna as deidh rèabhlaid na h-Ucràine ann an 2014, tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ ag aithris às a dùthaich air thoiseach air a' chiad taghadh son ceann-suidhe bhon uairsin. Am measg na prìomh chuspairean ga dheasbad bidh an droch chàirdeas leis an Ruis, ìrean coirbeachd san dùthaich, agus cosgais àrd bith-beò.

Tha Angela Nic 'Illeathain ag aithris.

Five years after the revolution of 2014, Eorpa reports from Ukraine ahead of the first presidential elections since the county's pro-Russian government was overthrown. Key election topics include Ukraine's strained relations with Russia, the country's endemic corruption and its effect on civil society, and the increasing cost of living.

Angela Maclean reports.

30 minutes

Last on

Sun 24 Feb 2019 20:00

Cleasaiche neo seann neach-poilitigs? An roghainn a tha ro mhuinntir na h-Ugràin ann an taghadh a' chinn-suidhe

Còig bliadhna an dèidh an ar-a-mach mu dheireadh san Ugràin, tha muinntir na dùthcha a' tilleadh gu na bogsaichean baileit an ath mhìos airson ceann-suidhe a thaghadh. Am-bliadhna-sa tha 44 tagraiche air an ainm a chur air adhart - an àireamh às àirde a-riamh. Bha beachd ann gum biodh an rèis eadar dithis; an Ceann-suidhe Petro Poroshenko a tha a' sireadh dàrna teirm agus tè a tha air a bhith gu mòr an sàs ann am poilitigs na dùthcha, Yulia Tymoshenko. Ach, a rèir cuid de chunntasan beachd, dh'fhaodadh tagraiche eile aig nach eil eòlas poilitigeach sam bith a' chùis a dhèanamh orra. 'S e cleasaiche agus neach-comadaidh a th' ann an Volodymyr Zelenskyi, a tha aithnichte airson a bhith a' cluich caractar ceann-suidhe onarach air prògram telebhisein. Do chuid, 's e cùis-mhagaidh a tha san oidhirp aige seasamh. Ach tha e tarraingeach do dhaoine eile a tha sgìth dhan t-seann luchd-poilitigs. Ge brith cò a thèid a thaghadh tha dùbhlain air thoiseach orra - leithid na h-eaconamaidh, droch chàirdeas leis an Ruis agus coirbteachd.

A comedian or the old guard? Ukraine's choice in the presidential election

Five years on from Ukraine's last revolution, the country returns to the ballot boxes next month to elect its next president. This year there are a record 44 candidates standing. It initially appeared to be a clear race between the incumbent President Poroshenko, who is seeking a second term, and a veteran of post-Soviet Ukrainian politics, Yulia Tymoshenko. But, according to some polls, a complete political novice could win. Volodymyr Zelenskyi, an actor and comedian, plays the character of an honourable president on a TV show. Some consider his candidacy to be a bit of a joke. But he appeals to others who are tired of the same old faces. Whoever succeeds faces a number of challenges such as a struggling economy, poor relations with Russia and corruption.


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