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·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ reports on the most interesting and important stories from across Europe.

Anns a’ Ghiblein 2018 bhuannaich pàrtaidh na làimhe deis, Fidesz, fo smachd Viktor Orbán, taghaidhean coithcheann na h-Ungaire airson an treasamh turas sreath a-cheile. Tha ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ ag aithris air carson a tha riaghaltas Orbán cho connspaideach gu h-eadar-nàiseanta agus carson a tha e faighinn uidhir de thaic am measg luchd-bhòtaidh na dùthcha. Tha Karen Elder ag aithris.

Tha cliù air a bhi aig a Ghearmailt o chionn fhada mar dhuthaich a tha a toirt spèis dhan an àrainneachd, ‘s a’ leasachadh cumhachd ath-nuadhachail. Ach le iondan niucleasach fhathast gan cleachdadh, agus cairteal den cumhachd a' tighinn bho gual, tha ceist mhor a dh’ fheumas an duthaich a fhreagairt – dè am freagart cothromach gus targaidean blathachadh na cruinne a’ ruigsinn?

After the resounding re-election of Viktor Orbán’s Fidesz party in April 2018, ·¡Ã²°ù±è²¹ looks at why his right-wing government has proved so controversial internationally and also at why Orban commands such support amongst Hungarian voters. Karen Elder reports.

Germany is seen by many as being at the forefront of developing renewable energy, but they are encountering many issues in their attempts to abandon their use of both nuclear power and coal. Greenpeace plans to buy a coal company, transforming it into a renewable energy company, but will their plan work and where will they get the estimated €7billion required to be successful? Anna KC MacLeod reports.

30 minutes


Â鶹Éç Naidheachdan

Â鶹Éç Naidheachdan

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