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Caoimhe Ní Chathail

Gradaim Cheoil Nós agus Eolaí Óg na Bliana.

Mól an óige agus tiocfaidh sí!

Bhí réimse leathan d’ábhair le feiceáil ag Eolaí Óg na Bliana agus bhí foireann Blas san RDS le blaisín de na tionscadail a fháil. Tá Aideen McQueen sa stiúideo le hinsint dúinn faoi #Herstory, tionscadal a dhéanann ceiliúradh ar bhanlaochra ar fud na cruinne. Agus tá ceol agus craic againn le tuairisc ó Ghradaim Cheoil Nós.

Praise the youth and they will flourish! There was a huge range of projects on display at this year’s Young Scientist Exhibition, and the Blas team were in the RDS to bring you a flavour. Aideen McQueen is in studio to tell us about #Herstory, a project celebrating heroines around the world. And of course, we have plenty of music in our report from Gradaim Cheoil Nós. We’ll hear from some of the musicians who were nominated this year.

27 nóiméad

An craoladh is déanaí

Déar 17 Ean 2019 19:03


  • Déar 17 Ean 2019 19:03